Bernard Brody
City: Atlanta
State: Georgia
Phone Number: 404-577-9557
Web Address: www.brodylawfirm.com
Portfolio Text:
Bernard Brody is an accomplished Georgia trial lawyer with a successful track record of resolving complex criminal cases. He has particularly distinguished himself with his ability to defend and dispose of some of the most difficult sex offense cases in Georgia. He has been recognized by Georgia Trend Magazine as one of Georgia's Legal Elite and by Atlanta Magazine's Super Lawyers for his work in the courtroom and his tireless work ethic that has led to countless dismissals of cases prior to trial.
Bernard is a frequent lecturer at trial lawyers seminars on topics including Sex Offense Allegations, Computer Crimes, Appellate Advocacy and Federal Asset Forfeiture. He has handled a number of high profile cases which have appeared on television and radio and he has been interviewed by both local and national media outlets.
Bernard has appeared on CNN, HLN and truTV's In Session to provide expert legal commentary and is the publisher of Georgia Sex Offense Law—an online reference manual for attorneys and the public that outlines legal issues concerning the defense of sex offense allegations in Georgia.